Far beyond the world and its endless wars an area of pure malicious magic. The Realm of Chaos. It’s an incredibly dark area, unfathomable for the human mind. Although it whispers of power but it is difficult to perceive. To relinquish your soul to it. It is to become it.

The Four Ruinous Powers have a monopoly on the area, constantly seeking to escape their power and drown the entire world in an ocean of sinister corruption. Nurgle is the god of plague; Slaanesh, the lord of excess; Tzeentch who is the changer of methods; and Khorne, the god of blood and slaughter.

The border that separates the worlds, two powerful kingdoms are guarded by the fierce warriors of Kislev and the huge grand scale that is Grand Cathay. Both are plagued by its own trials, and now both have cause to cross the threshold and unleash their forces into the Realm of Chaos.

All of humanity is at the point of ending. One simple push will cause the world to fall into the cataclysm.

And there’s one that plans to achieve that, an ancient figure who would do anything to hold supreme power. He will require someone to assist him to get there.

The future war will devour every single person. Will you conquer your daemons? or command them?

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